Thursday, September 19, 2013

International Day of Peace, Sept 21st

Info about the main gathering for Peace in San Francisco [link], World Can't Wait... End the War against the the People of Syria!

Saturday, September 21,  12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM
Rally: Peace Day SF 2013
United Nations Plaza, 1150 Market Street @ Hyde Street, San Francisco
Thousands are expected to rally for Peace this September 21st, the United Nations International Day of Peace.  Peace Day San Francisco, sposored by Code Pink Women for Peace occurs on Saturday this year at the United Nations Plaza (Civic Center) in San Francisco. 
Various musicians and speakers address whistleblowers, drone warfare, mass incarceration, the industrial food complex and more.  Musical acts include Pamela Parker, Thunderground Collective, Clara Bellino and other local performers. 
Speakers include: Terry O'Neill and Patricia Ireland of the National Organization for Women, John Perry Barlow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Pamm Larry of Label GMO Campaign, Stephanie Tang of World Can't Wait and Toby Blome of Code Pink.
Contact Andre Champagne,

"It is not enough to teach children how to read, write and count. Education has to cultivate mutual respect for others and the world in which we live, and help people forge more just, inclusive and peaceful societies." - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in his "100-day countdown message to the International Day of Peace"

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.
The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by resolution 36/67 [link] of the United Nations General Assembly to coincide with its opening session, which was held annually on the third Tuesday of September. The first Peace Day was observed in September 1982.
In 2001, the General Assembly by unanimous vote adopted resolution 55/282 [link], which established 21 September as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire.
The United Nations invites all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.

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