representatives of faith-based communities, we are deeply concerned
about the proliferation of lethal unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly
known as drones. The United States is leading the way in this new form
of warfare where pilots in US bases kill people, by remote control,
thousands of miles away. Drones have become the preferred weapons to
conduct war due to the lack of direct risk to the lives of U.S.
soldiers, but these drone strikes have led to the death of hundreds of
innocent civilians in countries where we are not at war, including
Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Some aspects that we find particularly
disturbing include:
The President and his aides draw up a Kill List
in which they play the role of prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner.
People on this secret Kill List have never been charged, tried or
convicted in a court of law, and are given no opportunity to surrender;
labeling of all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants, thus
justifying their murder, is an extreme and macabre form of profiling;
strikes kill not only their intended targets, but innocent people,
including children, violating the sanctity of human life;
strikes violate other nations’ sovereignty (Pakistan’s elected leaders,
for example, have repeatedly called for an end to the strikes);
in the hands the CIA and the Joint Special Operations Command keep the
program veiled in secrecy. The lack of transparency and accountability
violate the basic tenets of a democratic society;
-Drones make killing more abstract, impersonal, antiseptic, convenient and “easy”;
Administration insists that because drones do not risk American lives,
Congress need not be consulted, leading to a dangerous abuse of
executive power;
-Drone strikes have replaced Guantanamo as the
recruiting tool of choice for militants. They fuel anti-American
sentiment, radicalize local populations and perpetuate an endless cycle
of violence.
-The example being set by the United States that a
nation can go anywhere it wants and kill anyone it wants on the basis of
secret information is leading to a world of chaos and lawlessness.
world’s great religions teach us to cherish human life. This
impersonal, risk-free killing of people on the other side of the globe
runs counter to religious belief and the teachings of our traditions.
urge our government to put an end to this secretive, remote-controlled
killing and instead promote foreign policies that are consistent with
the values of a democratic and humane society. We call on the United
Nations to regulate the international use of lethal drones in a fashion
that promotes a just and peaceful world community, based on the rule of
law, with full dignity and freedom for every human being.
* Signatories
Rev. John Auer, United Methodist Church, retired, Wesley UMC, Fresno, CA
Reverend Sharon Delgado, retired United Methodist pastor, Earth Justice Ministries
Linda Kuruhara, Diaconal Minister of the United Methodist Church, Lincoln, CA
Reverend Elizabeth Griswold, Parkside Community Church, United Church of Christ, Sacramento, CA
Reverend Dr. Gerald O. Pederson, Retired Lutheran Pastor, member Veterans for Peace, Sacramento, CA.
* Additional Signatories
Reverend Lesley Adams, Chaplain, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Episcopal Priest
Reverend Dr. Eileen Altman, Associate Pastor, First Congregational Church, UCC, Palo Alto, CA
Reverend Dr. Israel Alvaran, United Methodist Church, San Francisco, CA
James Atwood, Retired, Presbyterian Church USA, Springfield, VA
Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Los Angeles, CA
Jean Barker, Interfaith Community Organizer, Kennett Square, PA
Andra Baylus, Interfaith Bridge-Builder, Co-Founder of the DC Interfaith Peace Initiative
Rabbi Joseph Berman, Jamaica Plain, MA
Zahra Billoo, Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations, San Francisco, CA
Reverend Roy Birchard, San Francisco Fellowship of Reconciliation
Tsukina Blessing, Co-Founder Occupy Chaplains, Seattle, WA
Reverend Beth Bostrom, Wesley Foundation Director, United Methodist Minister, Miami, FL
Pastor Dale Bracey, Presbyterian Church
Reverend Dr. Matthew Braddock, Sr. Minister, Christ Congregational Church, Silver Spring, MD
Reverend Mary Karen Brown, Retired United Methodist Minister, North Bend, WA
Reverend Geoff Browning, Peacemaking Advocate Presbytery, San Jose
Patricia Bruno, Order of Preachers, Dominican Sisters, San Rafael, CA
Betty Campbell, Religious Sisters of Mercy
Reverend Sally Carlson, Deacon, Episcopal Church, Diocese of Olympia
Reverend Ewing W. Carroll, Jr., Retired, United Methodist Clergy and Missionary, Hong Kong
Pastor John Chamberlin, United Methodist Church, National Coordinator, East Timor Religious Outreach
Marilyn Chilcote, Pastor, Beacon Presbyterian Fellowship, Oakland, CA
Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, Ph.D., Professor of Rabbinic Literature, American Jewish University
Reverend Bill Coop, National Committee of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Reverend Ben Daniel, Pastor, Foothill Presbyterian Church, San Jose, CA
Cantor Michael Davis, Rabbinical Council, Jewish Voices for Peace
Reverend Richard Deats, Pastor, Nyack, NY
Reverend Sandra Decker, Interfaith Community Minister, San Francisco, CA
Marie Dennis, Co-President, Pax Christi International
Reverend Maureen A. Dickmann, Pastor, Rock Bridge Christian Church Columbia, MO
Reverend John P. Donovan, St. James Church, Johnson City, NY, Diocese of Syracuse
Reverend Dr. Frank Dunn, Senior Priest, St. Stephen Episcopal Church, Washington, DC
Deborah Espen, Director, Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the
Middle East, Boise, ID Samina Faheem, Executive Director, American
Muslim Voice
Reverend David Farley, Pastor, Echo Park Methodist Church, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Anisa Abd el Fattah, Chairwoman, National Association of Muslim American Women
Reverend John M. Fife, Former Moderator, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Reverend Therese Fitzgerald, Buddhist Minister, Dharma Friends, Hana, HI
Reverend Dr. Jerrold L. Foltz, Wellspring United Church of Christ, Centreville, VA
Reverend John L. Freesemann, Pastor, Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church, San Jose, CA
Ronald Fujiyoshi, Retired Missionary of the United Church of Christ, Hilo, HI
JoAnn Yoon Fukumoto, Cal-Pac Conference, United Methodist Church
Dr. Linda Gaither, Chair, National Executive Council, Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Sister Bernie Galvin, Congregation of Divine Providence
Reverend Dr. Diana C. Gibson, Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice, Presbyterian Pastor
Sister Carol Gilbert, Order of Preachers, Jonah House, Baltimore, MD
Reverend David W. Good, Minister Emeritus, The First Congregational Church, Old Lyme,CT
Reverend Charlotte P. Gosselink, Kennett Square, PA
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Co-Founder Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence
Pastor Donald F. Guest, Easter Hill United Methodist Church, Richmond, CA
Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton, Archdiocese of Detroit
Reverend Fritz Gutwein, Associate Director, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Washington, DC
Reverend Graylan Scott Hagler, Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, Washington, DC
Naqi Haider, Community Organizer/Executive Director of Muslims for Peace
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Director School for Conversion, Baptist Minister, Durham, NC
Dr. John Heidel, Past-President, Interfaith Alliance of Hawaii
Reverend Peter Hinde, Order of Carmelites, Doctor of Divinity
Reverend M. Lara Hoke, Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Andover, MA
Reverend Joyce Hollyday, Co-Pastor, Circle of Mercy, Asheville, NC
Mark Johnson, Executive Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Reverend Alan Jones, Chair, Committee on Advocacy and Justice,Conference, United Methodist Church
Reverend Dave Grishaw-Jones, Senior Minister, First Congregational Church, Santa Cruz, CA
Reverend Stephen Kelly, S.J., Murray Jesuit Residence, Oakland, CA
Reverend Edwin Keener, Presbyterian Church USA, Honorable Retired
Elder Derrick Kikuchi, First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto, CA
Rabbi Jonathan Klein, Executive Director, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, Los Angeles
Reverend Dr. Jonipher Kupono Kwong, Minister, First Unitarian Church, Honolulu, HI
Reverend Nicole Lamarche, Silicon, Valley United Church of Christ
Reverend Rich Lang, University Temple, United Methodist Church, Seattle, WA
Reverend Phil Lawson, Retired United Methodist
Reverend Deborah Lee, United Church of Christ, Director of Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights
Rabbi Michael Lerner, Chair, The Network of Spiritual Progressives, Editor, Tikkun
Reverend John R.Long, First Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, NY
Reverend Kyle Lovett, Pastor, Crossroads UCC
Reverend Dr. Linda M. Maloney, Episcopal Priest, Diocese of Vermont
Dr. Wayne Martin, First Congregational Church, Eugene, OR
Reverend Bob Matthews, United Church of Christ, Alameda, CA
Cyrus McGoldrick, Civil Rights Manager, Council on American Islamic Relations, NY
Robert McKenzie, Parish Associate, St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Berkeley, CA
Kathy McNeely, Director, Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns
Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid, Muslim Peace Coalition USA; Chairperson, Parliament of World Religions
Robert S. More, Chairperson, Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore
Michael Nagler, Founder, Metta Center for Nonviolence
Reverend Shannan Vance-Ocampo, Pastor, Presbyterian Church, North Plainfield, NJ
Imam Rashid Patch, Oakland, CA
Blair Pettyjohn, Ahimsa Christi, Peace Group of Dayspring Church
Father Bill Pickard, Vice President, Pax Christi of North Eastern PA
Sister Ardeth Platte, Order of Preachers, Jonah House, Baltimore, MD
Reverend Charles W. Rawlings, Los Gatos, CA
Shafi Refai, President, United Muslims of America, Fremont, CA
Reverend George Regis, Episcopal Church, Los Angeles, CA
Sister Megan Rice, Sisters of Holy Child Jesus
Imam Zaid Shakir, Lighthouse Mosque, Oakland, CA
Suzanne Shanley, Agape Community, Hardwick, MA
Reverend Dr. Timonthy F. Simpson, Editor, Political Theology, Presbyterian Church USA
Pastor John F. Steinbruck, Retired Lutheran Pastor, Retired Captain U.S. Navy
Jean Stokan, Director, Institute Justice Team, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Nobuko Miyake-Stoner, Harris United Methodist Church, Honolulu, HI
Reverend Robert Miyake-Stoner, Pastor, Trinity United Methodist Church, Pearl City, HI
Dr. Susan Stouffer, Director, Peace Center, United University Church, Los Angeles, CA
Father Tim Taugher, Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Church, Binghamton, NY
Reverend Don Timmerman, Casa Maria Catholic Worker, Milwaukee, WI
Barbara DiTommaso, Director, Commission on Peace and Justice, Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany
Father Louie Vitale, Franciscan priest, Pace e Bene
Reverend Edward A. White, Presbyterian Minister, Washington, DC
Reverend Harry Williams, Oakland, CA
Pastor John Wimberly, Western Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC
Jim Winkler, General Secretary, United Methodist General Board of Church and Society
Rabbi Wirtschafter
Reverend Michael Yoshii, Buena Vista United Methodist Church, Alameda, CA
Father Jerry Zawada, Nevada Desert Experience