Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Walk Across America for the ERA, Week One

"Walking Across the USA for the ERA"
2014-03-13 update from Helene Swanson [], Founder []:
Dear Friends and Family,
This past March 8th, 2014 I started my pilgrimage across the USA for the Equal Rights Amendment.  It was a great day.  Many were in attendance. Please see the below Press Release. I am truly blessed by the outpour of love and support God is sending in my direction. 
Here is a Facebook page showing the event. []

You can also join in spirit on the following two Facebook pages. 
or if you prefer

The event was covered by ABC and NBC here in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Please see []
I was interviewed by Sarah Rohrs at the Times Herald a Vallejo newspaper. And I met with Congressman Mike Thompson's staff at the Vallejo District office.  They are 100% on board.  Here is a link to Sarah's article []
I am asking that everyone sign and circulate our petition, as I will be delivering this petition to the White House when I arrive in DC. Please go to []. And don't forget to call your Congressperson and Senator and demand that they support the ERA.  Here is a link which shows the unratified states as well as the status of the Three State Strategy [] just click on the state
Your continue prayers and support comes most appreciated.  I ask that you visit the Katrina's Dream website from time to time to read up on this social justice ministry 
Thank you so much for helping to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment, we can do this!

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