Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Solidarity with the People of the World

We invite you to do your part for Peace, with the Spring Days of Action to End Drone Killing, Drone Surveillance, Global Militarization! more info here [link]!

Solano Peace, Justice & Freedom coalition (SPJF) is an informal solidarity network, whose interests are primarily expressed in the following archives, collected by "Dr.G.", Minister of Information for the Northbay MDS and host of an affiliated FM radio news program. While the coalition is informal for the concern over participant safety, the archives provide views held by participants of the following affiliations:
Northbay MDS [link]; San Pablo Bay Ecological Preservation Association (SEPA) [link]; Dawnstar INC [link]; Vallejo Cop Watch [link]; Peace and Freedom Party (PFP) of Solano County [link].
Members of the network forward information for public commentary on the Northbay Uprising FM radio news program, broadcast to Vallejo at 89.5fm, Thursdays 4 to 5pm and Tuesday 7 to 9am with a focus on Communitarian power [link] and culture [link].
SPJF is affiliated with Honduras Solidarity Network, and tentatively affiliated with WILPF [link], United for Peace and Justice [link], UNAC [link], Uhuru Solidarity Movement [link].

Contact the SPJF: [SolanoPeaceFreedom@gmail.com]

SPJF's mission is to educate the public about the ongoing crimes against the People of the World by those holding companies and monopolist corporations chartered in the United States, who altogether dictate world government with their networks and uphold government through Fascism [link].
* We condemn all acts of terrorism, bigotry and violence, and we defend dignity and memory for all victims of state terrorism by the United States, domestically and around the world.
We advocate against the use of military intervention and war against the People of the Earth, and
support justice against crimes of war through established principles of international law.
We promote the goal of global peace, and  advocate for social and economic justice for every man, woman and child.

* We work against gang violence in the community, and advocate for peace in our neighborhoods in coalition with all who are affected by the desperation of poverty.
We defend civil liberties from government attack and uphold human rights against police terror and state repression through our efforts towards educating the public about their rights and the current status of our liberties.
* We promote the preservation of the ecology and advocate for the natural right of existence for all life generally considered for the welfare of the ecology.

Peace & Justice and Freedom vigil in Vallejo  
Gathering every 2nd Saturday of the month, 1pm. 
at the Peace Pole at the Waterfront, located at the front entrance of Panama Red Coffee Co. 289 Mare Island Way, Vallejo, CA 94590. 
Directions. On I-80, take Georgia st exit towards Mare Island. At the end of Gerogia st, is the waterfront and Panama Red Coffee Co.
There are 2 "Peace Poles", one was placed by the Solano Peace and Justice Coalition during 2004, and another placed during 2012 by the Sister City Association of Vallejo [link]. We will meet at one and march to the other. Look for our "Peace & Freedom" banner! 

Peace with Jobs! Peace against Imperialism! Peace in the Community! Solidarity for our Human Rights! 
* Solidarity with the Women of the World! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Pakistan! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Haiti! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Afghanistan! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Africa! [link] [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Thailand! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Cambodia! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of the Philippines! [link]
* Solidarity with the oppressed People of the First Nations within Canada! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Lakota! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Honduras! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Colombia! [link]
* Solidarity with the Arab People! [link]
* Solidarity with the People of Iran!  [link]
Solidarity with All the Oppressed People of the USA, with the homeless, the wards of the state, and lumpen under-class, with the People of the captive nations of the Reservation system, and with the People of New Afrika [link]! Solidarity for our Labor Rights [link]! And our Constitutional Rights!

Peace through War, a deception masquerading a global megadeath!

* Iraqi Deaths: 1,874,036
* Afghan & Pakistani Deaths: over 2,000,000

Cost of War in just Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001 (as of 2013-09-07) is $1,470,406,206,469... as calculated by the National Priorities Project [costofwar.com]!
"US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq to cost $6 trillion" 2013-09-19 by Sabir Shah from "The News International" [thenews.com.pk/Todays-News-2-203012-US-wars-in-Afghanistan-Iraq-to-cost-$6-trillion]: LAHORE - The decade-long American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq would end up costing as much as $6 trillion, the equivalent of $75,000 for every American household, calculates the prestigious Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Remember, when President George Bush’s National Economic Council Director, Lawrence Lindsey, had told the country’s largest newspaper “The Wall Street Journal” that the war would cost between $100 billion and $200 billion, he had found himself under intense fire from his colleagues in the administration who claimed that this was a gross overestimation. Consequently, Lawrence Lindsey was forced to resign.It is also imperative to recall that the Bush administration had claimed at the very outset that the Iraq war would finance itself out of Iraqi oil revenues, but Washington DC had instead ended up borrowing some $2 trillion to finance the two wars, the bulk of it from foreign lenders. According to the Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government 2013 report, this accounted for roughly 20 per cent of the total amount added to the US national debt between 2001 and 2012. According to the report, the US “has already paid $260 billion in interest on the war debt,” and future interest payments would amount to trillions of dollars.This Harvard University report has also been carried on its website by the Centre for Research on Globalisation, which is a widely-quoted Montreal-based independent research and media organisation. [ ... ]

Ongoing Campaigns
* Advocate for an Economy based on Peace! [link]
* Inside & Out: Write a note of support to these imprisoned anti-nuclear and anti-war activists [link]
* Exposing the Warlords in the community [link]
* Call for an international bill of digital rights [link]
* Divestment and Boycott against Human Rights Abuse [link]
* No Nukes! [link]

Days of Peace
* August 27th, Peace Pact Day: War is Outlawed (according to USA Federal Law) [link]
* Sept 21st, International Day of Peace [link]
Rabbi Simeon ben Gamaliel taught: "The world rests on three things: justice, truth, and peace" (Avot 1:18)

* War Tax Resistance! [link]
* "Bringing Down the New Jim Crow"
campaign materials [link]
* Western States Legal Foundation
Working for Peace & Justice in a Nuclear Free World
[wslfweb.org] [disarmamentactivist.org] [facebook.com/WesternStatesLegalFoundation] [510-839-5877]
* Progressive Letter Writing Cooperative
Would you like a cooperative way to get your voice heard in Washington? Progressive Secretary sends out progressive email letters to Congress, the President, and other officials on peace, the environment, civil rights and other issues. It's free! There is no charge for this. We volunteer our time because Jim and Pat are Quakers and long-time activists, and we believe in helping progressive people make their voices heard on important issues. There are no advertisements or other annoyances. You can cancel at any time. The letters are suggested by participants in the cooperative and are sent to you as a proposal. If you tell us to "send", then the letters are sent to your Congress people and others noted in the proposal over your signature and return address. A report is sent to you. If you like, you can send the letters yourself. Letters are not sent without your specific approval. Your name and email are never given out except to recipients of your letters.

Research pages:
* Military propaganda
* Global Conflict Tracker: Interactive Guide to U.S. Conflict Prevention Priorities in 2014 (from the Center for Preventive Action, a think-tank of the Council on Foreign Relations) [cfr.org/global/global-conflict-tracker/p32137]. 

Note on organizing Peace & Justice vigils and outreach:
California Law prohibits protests at public areas on private property (supermarkets, stripmalls)  [link]

website designed and moderated by Northbay MDS Minister of Information Dr.G.

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